Felix this data: 2 shots, the passing success rate of 90% was rated 7.5 points

Live Bar, October 9th news the 9th round of La Liga league, Barcelona 2-2 draw Granada. Felix started the game and played the whole game. The following is the key data of Felix in this game:

Score: 7.5

Shooting: 2 times

Deviation: 2 times

Touch ball: 69 times

Pass Success rate: 90%

Ground confrontation (success):7 times (4 times)

Air confrontation (success): Once (once)

(Boiled water with lemon)

Felix this data: 2 shots, the passing success rate of 90% was rated 7.5 points

Live Bar, October 9th news the 9th round of La Liga league, Barcelona 2-2 draw Granada. Felix started the game and played the whole game. The following is the key data of Felix in this game:

Score: 7.5

Shooting: 2 times

Deviation: 2 times

Touch ball: 69 times

Pass Success rate: 90%

Ground confrontation (success):7 times (4 times)

Air confrontation (success): Once (once)

(Boiled water with lemon)